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We’ll Stay Silent No More

Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

More than 150 artists, directors, and curators, have written a letter denouncing sexual harassment and intimidation in the art world. The letter comes in the wake of the resignation of Artforum co-publisher Knight Landesman, hours after a lawsuit was filed in New York accusing him of sexual harassment. As always, MEANS stands with the Voices.


We are gallerists, artists, writers, editors, curators, directors, arts administrators, assistants, and interns – workers of the art world – and we have been groped, undermined, harassed, infantilised, scorned, threatened, and intimidated by those in positions of power who control access to resources and opportunities. We have held our tongues, threatened by power wielded over us and promises of institutional access and career advancement.

We are not surprised when curators offer exhibitions or support in exchange for sexual favours. We are not surprised when gallerists romanticise, minimise, and hide sexually abusive behaviour by artists they represent. We are not surprised when a meeting with a collector or a potential patron becomes a sexual proposition. We are not surprised when we are retaliated against for not complying. Abuse of power comes as no surprise.

This letter stems from a group discussion about sexual harassment within our field, following the recent allegations about Knight Landesman’s behaviour. The conversation has branched out internationally to include artists, writers, editors, curators, directors, assistants, interns, and those with positions within institutions. Harder work to advance equity is often expected of and performed by women of colour, trans, and gender nonconforming people. Our efficacy relies on taking this intersection very seriously and not excluding other corroborating factors that contribute to bias, exclusion, and abuse. These additional factors include, but are not limited to, gender identity, ability, religion, class, and immigration status. There is an urgent need to share our accounts of widespread sexism, unequal and inappropriate treatment, harassment and sexual misconduct, which we experience regularly, broadly, and acutely.

Many institutions and individuals with power in the art world espouse the rhetoric of feminism and equity in theory, often financially benefiting from these flimsy claims of progressive politics, while preserving oppressive and harmful sexist norms in practice. Those in power ignore, excuse, or commit everyday instances of harassment and degradation, creating an environment of acceptance of and complicity in many more serious, illegal abuses of power.

The resignation of one publisher from one high-profile magazine does not solve the larger, more insidious problem: an art world that upholds inherited power structures at the cost of ethical behaviour. Similar abuses occur frequently and internationally on a large scale within this industry. We have been silenced, ostracised, pathologized, dismissed as “overreacting”, and threatened when we have tried to expose sexually and emotionally abusive behaviour.

We will be silenced no longer.

We will denounce those who would continue to exploit, silence, and dismiss us. Your actions will no longer be a secret, whispered among us for fear of ostracisation, professional shunning, and recrimination. Where we see the abuse of power, we resolve to speak out, to demand that institutions and individuals address our concerns seriously, and to bring these incidents to light regardless of the perpetrator’s gender.

We will no longer ignore the condescending remarks, the wayward hands on our bodies, the threats and intimidations thinly veiled as flirtation, or the silence from ambitious colleagues. We will not tolerate being shamed or disbelieved, and we will not tolerate the recrimination that comes with speaking out. We will not join “task forces” to solve a problem that is perpetrated upon us.

We, the undersigned – those who have experienced abuse and those standing in solidarity with them – call upon art institutions, boards, and peers to consider their role in the perpetuation of different levels of sexual inequity and abuse, and how they plan to handle these issues in the future.

We are too many, now, to be silenced or ignored.

With all we have experienced and witnessed, this letter should come as no surprise.

Following are some of the signatories. A full list is available at

A.L. Steiner, artist

Abigail Browde, theater artist, 600 HIGHWAYMEN, Brooklyn

Abigail Child, filmaker

Abigail Toll, Artist assistant and writer, Berlin

Ad Minoliti, artist, Buenos Aires

Ada Potter, Artist & curator, New York City

Addie Wagenknecht, artist, NYC

Adele Eisenstein, curator, New York

Adi Gura, Gallery Director, BRAVERMAN Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

Adriana Ramić, Artist, New York

Adriana Zavala, PhD, Curator and Art Historian

Adrianne Rubenstein, artist, New York

Agar Ledo, Curator, MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporánea, Vigo

Agnieszka Polska, Artist, Warsaw / Berlin

Agustina Ferreyra, Gallery Owner, Galería Agustina Ferreyra, Mexico City

Aileen Murphy, Artist

Aily Nash, Curator, New York

Aimee Friberg, Owner, CULT | Aimee Friberg Exhibitions, San Francisco

Alanna Lockward, Founding Director of Art Labour Archives, Berlin and Santo Domingo

Alessandra Saviotti, Curator

Alex Goldberg, Artist , Self , New York

Alex Mawimbi (formerly Ato Malinda), artist, Rotterdam

Alexandra Baudelot, Co-Director of Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Paris

Alexandra Giniger, Director, Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York

Alexandra Schwartz, Art history faculty and independent curator, School of Visual Arts, New York

Alexandra Tatarsky, Writer & Performer, NY

Alexine Chanel , Artist, Weissensee Hochkunstschule, Berlin

Alexis Johnson, Gallery Director

Alhena Katsof, Curator , New York

Alia Farid, Artist

Alice Conconi, Gallery Director, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York

Alice Rawsthorn, Chair and trustee, London

Alice Tippit, Artist, Chicago

Aline Bouvy , Artist, Brussels

Alison Coplan, Curator, New York

Alison Dillulio, Studio Manager

Alison Fox, Artist

Alissa Bennett, Writer, New York

Alissa McKendrick, Artist, New York

Alix Dana, Director, Independent, New York

Aliza Nisenbaum, Artist, Professor, Columbia University, NYC

Allison Card, Gallery Partner, New York

Allison Weisberg, Executive Director & Founder, Recess, Brooklyn

Alyson Shotz, Artist, New York

Amalia Pica, Artist, London

Amanda Ross-Ho, Artist, Los Angeles

Amelia Jones, Professor, USC, Los Angeles

Amy Zion, curator and writer, New York

Amy Balkin, Artist, San Francisco

Amy Whitaker, Assistant Professor, Visual Arts Administration, NYU Steinhardt, New York

Amy Wolf, Private art dealer, New York

Ana Castella, Gallerist, josegarcia ,mx, Mexico City

Ana Gallado, artista, argentina

Ana Janevski, Curator, Museum of Modern Art, New York

Anastasia James , Curator , New York

Andrea Belag, Artist, studio, New York

Andrea Crespo, Artist, New York

Andrea Giunta, Writer and professor, Buenos Aires University, Buenos Aires

Andrea Longacre-White, Artist, Los Angeles

Andrea Scott, writer, New York City

Andrea Valdés, Writer, Barcelona

Andrianna Campbell, Art Historian, CUNY Graduate Center , New York

Angela Dimitrakaki , Writer

Angelina Volk, Gallery owner, Emalin, London

Angie Keefer, Artist

Anicka Yi, Artist, New York

Ann Greene Kelly, Artist, Los Angeles

Anna Daneri, curator, Genova

Anna Craycroft, artist, NYC

Anna Goetz, Curator, Frankfurt am Main / Mexico-City

Annabeth Marks, Artist, New York

Anne Dressen, Curator, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris

Anne Ellegood, Curator

Anne Washburn, Playwright, New York

Annette Lemieux, Artist, Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge

Annie Godfrey Larmon, Writer and Editor

Antonia Alampi, Curator, SAVVY Contemporary, Extra City, Berlin

Antonia Hirsch, artist, Berlin

Antonia Majaca, Curator, Berlin

Anuradha Vikram, Artistic Director, 18th Street Arts Center, Los Angeles

April Gornik, Artist, 61 Fresh Pond Rd, Sag Harbor, NY 11963

Apsara DiQuinzio, Curator, BAMPFA

Ashton Cooper, writer, curator, and gallery worker

Aslihan Demirtas, Architect, artist, writer, teacher, Istanbul

Astrid Mania, Professor for art history / art critic, Berlin

Attilia Fattori Franchini, Curator, London

Aude Pariset, Artist, Berlin

Ava Ansari, Artist, Curator, Poetic Societies, The Arab American National Museum, Detroit

Avery Singer, Artist, New York, NY

Aya Ogawa, Theatre artist, Brooklyn

B. Ingrid Olson , Artist

Banu Cennetoglu, artist, Istanbul

Barb Choit, artist

Barbara Bloemink, Former art museum director, Smithsonian national design museum, cooper-hewitt, New york

Barbara Gladstone, Gallerist, Gladstonegallery, New York

Barbara Sirieix, Independent curator, Paris

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Artist, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Becca Albee, Artist, New York

Becky Kinder, Artist, New York

benedicte Gyldenstierne sehested, Artist

Beth B, Artist, Filmmaker , B Productions, New Jersy

Beth Fiore, Art Advisor & Curator, Fiore Art Advisory , New York City

Beverly Fishman, Artist, Head of PAinting, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills

Bharti Kher, Artist, Delhi

Bianca Schreiber, Program Coordinator, BAU Institute, New York, NY

Biljana Ciric, independent curator, Shanghai and Belgrade

Binna Choi, Director, Casco, Utrecht

Birgit Rathsmann, Artist, Animator, Brooklyn, NY

Bouchra Khalili, Artist, Berlin

Brandy Carstens, Director, New York

Bridget Donahue, Gallery Owner, New York

Bridget Finn, Co-founder, Cleopatra’s, New York

Brigitte Neufeldt, Media Artist, Germany , Monakam

Britta Thie, visual artist, performer, Berlin

Brittany Nelson, Artist, Richmond, VA

Brittni Collins, Arts Administrator , Creative Capital, New York City

Brittni Collins, Arts Administrator , NYC

Caitlin Keogh, Artist

Cajsa von Zeipel , artist, New York City

Candice Breitz, Artist, Berlin

Cara Benedetto, Artist

Caragh Thuring , Artist, London

Carin Kuoni, Director/Curator, Vera List Center for Art and Politics, New York

Carissa Rodriguez, Artist, New York

Carla Acevedo-Yates, Curator, MSU Broad, Lansing, Michigan

Carla Chammas, advisor, New York City

Carmen Hermo, Assistant Curator, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Brooklyn Museum, New York

Carol Bove, Artist, Brooklyn

Carolina Caycedo, Artist, Los Angeles

Caroline Mesquita, Artist, Paris / Brittany

Carolyn Lazard, Artist

Carolyn Schoerner, Artist book publisher/bookkeeper, Previously White Columns, now Books for All, New York

Carrie Yamaoka, Artist, New York

Casey O’Connell, Freelance , Glasgow

Cassie Griffin, artist, new york

Cassils Cassils, Artist, Los Angeles

Catalina Lozano, curator and writer, Mexico City

Caterina Riva, Curator, Singapore

Catherine Taft, Curator and writer , Los Angeles

Catherine Wood, Senior Curator, Tate Modern, London

Ceci Moss, Director , Gas , Los Angeles, CA

Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Independent curator, Los Angeles

Cecilia Dan, Advisor, Cecilia Dan Fine Art, Los Angeles

Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Curator, Los Angeles

Cecilia Vicuna, artist, self employed, New York

Celia Hempton, Artist, London

Celine Kopp, Director, Triangle France, Marseille

Charlotte Walters, Associate Fair Director , New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) , New York

Charlotte Brathwaite, Director, New York

Charlotte Prodger, Artist , Glasgow

Chelsea Haines, Doctoral candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY

Chiara Repetto, Art dealer, kaufmann repetto, Milano and New York

Chitra Ganesh, Visual artist, NYC

Chloé Rossetti, Artist and Writer, New York

Christa Blatchford, CEO/ Artist, Joan Mitchell Foundation, New York

Christabel Stewart, Art Editor, curator, ex-Gallerist, Art Review, London

Christina Dimitriadis, Artist, Berlin

Christina Mackie, artist, London

Christine Messineo, Gallerist, Hannah Hoffman, Los Angeles

christine Rebet, Artist , Ny

Christine Zehner, Art advisor, Various, New York

Christy Matson, Artist, Los Angeles

Chus Martínez, Curator

Cindy Sherman, Artist, New York

Claire Le Restif, Director, Le Crédac , Ivry-sur-Seine

Claire Tancons, curator, New Orleans

Claire Barliant, Writer, Cambridge, MA

Claireban Coffey, Studio Manager, New York

Clare Quinlan, Former development professional, Dia and the New Museum, New York City

Claude Adjil, Curator, London

Claudia Altman-Siegel, Gallerist, Altman Siegel, San Francisco

Claudia Peña Salinas, Artist/Art Preparator, Guggenheim, New York

Claudine Elysee, Gallery assistant, New York City

Clemence White, Curatorial Assistant

Coco Fusco, artist/professor, University of Florida, Gainesville

Coco Young , Artist, New york

Colleen Grennan, Gallery Director , Los Angeles

Connie Butler, Curator, Los Angeles

Constance DeJong, artist, writer

Constance Penley, Professor, University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California

Courtney Willis Blair, Artist Liaison, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York

Cristiana Tejo, Independent Curator, Lisbon/Recife

Cristina Tufino, Artist , New York

Cécile B. Evans, Artist, London

Dai Skuse, Associate Professor, University of Guelph, Gueph, Ontario Canada

Dana Kopel, Editor, curator, writer, New Museum, New York

Danai Anesiadou, Artist

Danielle Dean, Artist, Detroit/Amsterdam

Danijela Dugandzic, Directress at Association for Culture and Art CRVENA and Curator at Red Mined Feminist Curatorial Collective, Sarajevo

Davina Semo, Artist

Deborah Kass, artists, Brooklyn NY

Deborah Schamoni, Gallerist, Munich

Delaney Martin, Artistic Director, New Orleans and Los Angeles

Dena Yago, Artist, Los Angeles

Devika Daulet-Singj, Gallery Owner , Photoink, New Delhi

Diana Betancourt, Curator , Samdani Art Foundation, Dhaka

Dianna Molzan, Artist, Los Angeles

Dina Deitsch, Gallery Director, Tufts University Art Galleries, Boston and Medford

Dina Weiss, Artist, Professor, and Assistant Chair, Pratt Institute , New York

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Artist, Paris

Dora Budor, Artist, New York

Doreen Mende, Curator, writer and theorist, Berlin/Geneva

Dorothée Dupuis, Director and Founder, Terremoto Magazine, Mexico City

Drae Campbell, actor, self employed, Brooklyn, NY

Débora Delmar, artist, London

Débora Delmar, Artist, Mexico City/ London

Elana Rubinfeld, Advisor , Los Angeles

Eleanor Cayre, Art advisor, Cayre Art Group , NYC

Elena Filipovic, Director/Curator, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel

Elena Tavecchia, Studio manager and curator, New York

Eleonora Oreggia, Artist, Queen Mary University of London, London

Elisabeth Sherman , curator, New York

Elisabeth Lebovici, Art critic, Paris

Elisabeth McAvoy, former Artforum staff member

Elise Lammer, Curator, Rome, Italy

Eliza Ryan, Curator and Producer, New York

Elizabeth Jaeger, Artist, book publisher , New York

Elizabeth Jaeger, Artist, New York

Ella Dawn McGeough, Artist, Toronto

Ellen Freed, Artist, London

Ellie Rines, Gallery Owner, 56 Henry, New York

Eloise Hawser, Artist, London, London

Els Silvrants-Barclay, Co-Director of Netwerk, Aalst

Elvia Wilk, Writer, New York

Elvira Dyangani Ose, Lecturer / Curator, Goldsmiths / Creative Time, London / New York

Elyse Derosia, Gallery Owner, Bodega, New York

Emilie Villez, Director, Kadist , Paris

Emily Guzman Sufrin, Former curatorial assistant

Emily Hunt, Poet & Arts Professional

Emily Mae Smith, Artist, self , Brooklyn

Emily Segal , Artist and Writer , Berlin / New York

Emily Shanahan, Artist, New York

Emma Astner, Gallery Owner, Koppe Astner, Glasgow

Emma Fernberger, Director of Artist/City, Bortolami, New York

Emma Hedditch, Artist, New York

Erica Baum, Artist, Studio, New York

Erika Anderson, Gallery Assistant, New york

Erika Balsom, Writer , London

Erin Leland, Artist, New York

Erin Somerville, Curator, White Columns, New York

Erin Goldberger, Director and owner, Half Gallery, New Release Gallery, New York City

Erin McMonagle, Events, New York

Erin Rommel, Designer

Erin Shirreff, Artist, New York

Eriola Pira, Curator, NARS Foundation, New York

Erëmirë Krasniqi, Researcher/ Curator, Kosovo Oral History Initiative, Pristina

Eungie Joo, Curator

Eva Barois de Caevel, Curator, Paris

Eva Franch , Architect / Curator and Director, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York

Eva Scharrer, curator, writer, editor, Berlin

Eva Thorne , Graphic designer, Kellenberger-White , London

Eva Ursprung, artist, puchstrasse 41, graz

Fabienne Audeoud, artist, Paris

Fabienne Lasserre, Artist

Fadwa Naamna, Curator, Amsterdam

Fanny Singer, Arts writer / editor, Freelance / The Wall Street Journal Magazine, London

Fawz Kabra, Curator

Fernanda Pitta, curator, Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo

Filipa César, Artist and filmmaker, Berlin

Filipa Ramos, Editor and writer, art agenda, London

Finola Jones, Gallery owner/Director, mother’s tankstation, Dublin

Fiona Bate, Gallery Owner, SANDY BROWN, Berlin

Flaka Haliti, Artist, Munich

Flame *, Artists, Berlin

Fleur Breteau, Writer, Paris

Florence Derieux, Director of Exhibitions, Hauser & Wirth, New York

Florencia Portocarrero , Curator , Bisagra , Berlin

Francesca Astesani, Founder and Director, South into North, Copenhagen

Francesca Boenzi, Gallery Manager / Producer

Francesca Gavin, Curator, Freelance, London

Furen Dai, Artist

Gabriella Boyd, Artist, London

Gabriella Price, Assistant , Gavin Brown’s enterprise , New York

Gabrielle Giattino, Gallery Owner, Bureau LLC, New York

Gabrielle Jenks, Director, Abandon Normal Devices, Manchester, UK

Gala Berger , Artist and Co-founder, La Ene , Buenos Aires

Gelare Khoshgozaran, artist, writer, co-founding editor of contemptorary, contemptorary, Los Angeles

Georgia René-Worms, Artist, Author, Paris

Giovanna Zapperi, Art historian, Paris

Giulia Gregnanin, Editor, Flash Art, Milano

Giulia Mengozzi, Curator, Turin

Giulia Tognon, assistant curator, Council, Paris

Gloria Maximo, Artist , Queens

Gordon Hall, artist, New York, NY

Goshka Macuga, Artist, London

Grace Schofield, Gallery Owner, Union Pacific, London

Greta Hewison, Producer, FLAMIN, London

Guy Mannes-Abbott, Writer

Gwen Allen, Art historian, San Francisco

Géraldine Gourbe, Philosopher and curator, Paris

H Lan Thao Lam, Artist, Toronto/New York

Haegue Yang, Artist

Hannah Hoffman, Gallery Owner, Los Angeles

Hannah Perry, Artist, London

Hannah Robinson, Gallery Owner, Mary Mary , Glasgow

Hannah Whitaker, Artist, New York

Harriet Blaise Mitchell, Associate Director, Herald St, London

Hayden Dunham, Artist, Los Angeles

Heather Funk, Art Shipper, New York

Heather Guertin, Artist, New York

Heather Hubbs, Director, Non-profit, New York

Heather Pesanti, Senior Curator, The Contemporary Austin, Austin

Heather Phillipson, Artist, London

Helen Nisbet, Curator , Cubitt , London

Helen Marten, Artist, London

Helena Whittingham , Assistant curator, Freelance, London

Henriette Huldisch, Curator, Boston

Hilary Crisp-Hudson, Consultant, former Gallery Owner , London

Hilary Fagadau, Gallerist, Los Angeles

Ilaria Bonacossa, Director/curator, Art Fair, Torino

Iliana Fokianaki, State of Concept Athens and Kunsthal Extra City, Greece/Netherlands

Iman Issa, Artist

Inés Katzenstein, Curator, Professor, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires

Irene Aristizabal, Curator/Head of Exhibitions, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham

Irene Hofmann, Director and Chief Curator, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Irene Small, Art historian and critic

Iris Touliatou, Artist

Irma Álvarez-Laviada, Artist, Madrid

Irmgard Emmelheinz, Writer, Mexico City

Isabella Maidment, Curator , London

Isabelle Alfonsi, Gallerist, Marcelle Alix, Paris

Isabelle Le Normand, Curator, Los Angeles

Isobel Harbison, Writer, London

Ivana Bago, Art historian and curator, Duke University, Durham, NC

ivy Shapiro , art advisor , Art Agency Partners , New York

Jackie Sibblies Drury, Playwright, New York

Jaki Irvine , Artist, Temple Bar Gallery & Studios, Dublin

Jamie Sneider, Artist , New York

Jana Doell, Art student / educator, Braunschweig

Jane Panetta, Curator, New York

Jane Swavely, Artist, Chair of the Board of Directors, A.I.R. gallery, A.I.R. Gallery, New York

Janelle Reiring, Gallerist, Metro Pictures, New York

Janine Foeller, Co-Founder, GrandArmyCollective, New York

Jasmin Tsou, Dealer, JTT, New York

Jasmina Cibic, Artist, London

Jasmine Johnson, Artist, London

Jasmine Picot-Chapman, Artist and Curator , London and Vilnius

Jayne Drost Johnson, Gallerist, New York

Jeannette Ehlers, Artist, Copenhagen

Jen Liu, Artist, New York

Jennie Goldstein, Assistant Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Jennifer Reeder, Filmmaker, Chicago

Jennifer Coates, Artist

Jennifer Josten, Art historian

Jennifer Krasinski, Writer|Critic, Brooklyn

Jennifer Peterson, Writer and professor, Los Angeles

Jennifer Piejko, Writer and Editor, Los Angeles

Jennifer Thatcher, Freelance writer, Folkestone, UK

Jennifer West, Artist, Los Angeles

Jenny Schlenzka, Executive Artistic Director, Performance Space 122, New York

Jenny Jaskey, Director and Curator, Brooklyn

Jenny Schlenzka, Performance Space 122, New York

Jesse Darling, Artist, LDN/Berlin

Jessi Reaves, Artist, New York

Jessica Silverman, Dealer

Jessica Vaughan, Curator, Art on the Underground , London

Jessica Wiesner, Artist

Jessie Washburne-Harris, Senior Director, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York

Jimi Lee, Gallerist, Modern Art, London

jina valentine, artist, professor, UNC / SAIC, Durham, NC / Chicago, IL

Jing He, Artist/Designer, Eindhoven

Joan Jonas, Artist, Self employed, New york

Joanna Fiduccia, Art Historian and Critic, Reed College, Portland

Joanna Warsza, Independent curator , Artistic Director Public Art Munich 2018 , Berlin

Joanne Greenbaum, Artist, New york,new york

Johanna Burton, Curator, writer, and educator, New York

Johanna Fateman, Writer, New York

Jolynn Krystosek, Artist , New York

Jordana Zeldin , Independent Curator, Senior Gallery Partnerships Manager (Artsy), Artsy, Brooklyn

Josephine Graf, curator and writer

Joy Episalla, Artist, New York

Juana Berrío, Independent Curator & Writer, San Francisco, CA

Judi Roaman, Collector, New York

Judith Hudson, Artust, Self employed, NYC

Julia Bryan-Wilson, writer and professor, UC Berkeley, Oakland, CA

Julia Christensen, Artist and Professor, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

Julia Hendrickson, Curator, Writer, & Editor, Austin, Texas

Julia Jarcho, director, Minor Theater , New York City

Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga, Curator, CA2M , Madrid

Julia Rodrigues, Art producer/ Curator , South INTO North, Copenhagen

Julia Rommel, Artist, Bureau, New York, Brooklyn

Julia Trotta, Filmmaker, curator, advisor

Julia Wachtel, Artist, New York

julie bena, artist, Paris-Prague

Julie Freeman, Artist, Translating Nature, Margate

Julie Muehleisen, Registrar, New York

Julieta Aranda, Artist and editor, e-flux, Berlin / New York

Julieta Gonzalez, Curator, Mexico City

Jumana Manna, Artist, Berlin

June Crespo, Artist , Bilbao

Kah Bee Chow, Artist, Malmo

Kaira Cabañas, Art historian and critic

Kaltrina Krasniqi, Film director, Filmmaker, Prishtina

Kara Kazanoff, Writer

Kari Conte, Director of Programs and Exhibitions, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), Brooklyn

Karin Schneider, Artist, filmmaker and writer. , New York

Karyn Olivier, Artist and educator, Philadelphia

Kat Herriman, Writer

Kate Nesin, Art historian and curator

Kate Bryan, Specialist, Phillips, London

Kate Fowle, Chief curator, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow

Kate Shepherd, Artist, New York City

Katharina Worf, Gallery Director, London

Katharine Overgaard, Gallerist, New York

Katherine Carl, Art Historian and Curator, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York

Katherine Chan, Gallerist, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York

Kathleen Madden, Professor, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, New York

Kathleen Ryan, Artist, Los Angeles/ New York

Kathryn Brennan, Gallery Owner, Brennan & Griffin, New York

Kathy Noble, Writer and Curator, London

Katie Bethune-Leamen, artist

Katie Minford, Studio manager

katie pearl, theater artist, the american theater community, brooklyn

Kay Watson, Curator, London

Kelly McGee, Director, Simone Subal Gallery, New York

Kelly Taxter, Curator, The Jewish Museum, New York

Keltie Ferris, artist, Brooklyn

Keren Cytter, Artist, New York

Kerri Schlottman-Bright, Director of Development, Creative Capital, New York

Kerstin Brätsch, Artist

Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Artist, Studio, Berlin

Kim Kozzi, Associate Professor, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario Canada

Kim Uchiyama, Artist, New York

Kimberly Bradley, critic/adjunct professor, freelance, Berlin/Vienna

Kira Freije, Artist, London

Kristen Becker, Director, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York

Kristen Dodge, Gallery Owner/Director, SEPTEMBER, formerly DODGEgallery, Hudson, NY, formerly LES

Kristen Jensen, artist, Brooklyn

Kristen Wawruck, Arts administrator, New York, NY

Kristina Buch, Artist, Düsseldorf/London

Kristine Haruna Lee, Theater Maker, harunalee, Brooklyn

Kyla McDonald, Curator, Berlin

Kyla McMillan, Associate Director, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York

Laetitia Badaut, Artist, Paris / London

Laura Barlow, Curator

Laura Barlow, Curator, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha

Laura Gonzalez, Art advisor

Laura Hoptman, Curator, New York

Laura Hunt, artist, New York, NY

Laura M. Pana, Founder & Director Non Profit Organization, International, Migrationlab, Vienna, Austria

Laura McLean-Ferris, Curator and Writer, New York

Laura Phipps, Curator

Laura Poitras, Filmmaker/artist, NYC

Laura Raicovich, Director, Queens Museum, New York

Laure Prouvost, Artist, London

Laurel Gitlen, former gallerist, freelance curator and consultant, Self employed, Brooklyn, NY

Laurel Ptak, Director, Art in General, New York

Lauren Wright , Curator and writer; Programme Director , Siobhan Davies Dance , London

Lauren Boyle, Artist, DIS, New York

Lauren Christiansen, independent curator, unaffiliated, New York

Lauren Cornell, Curator, New York

Lauren Hinkson, Curator, New York

Lauren Seiden, Artist, Studio, New York

Lauren Wittels, Senior Director, Luhring Augustine, New York

Laurie Anderson, Artist , Self employed , New york

Laurie Simmons, Artist, New York

Layla Bermeo, Assistant Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Lea Cetera, Artist, New York, NY

Lea Freid , Former Gallerist, current Arts Marketing Exec, Frmr Lombard Freid Gallery , New York

Leah Dixon, Artist, New York City and Berlin

Leah Winkler, Writer, New York

Legacy Russell, Writer and Curator , NYC | LONDON

Lena Henke, Artist, New York

Lenore Malen, Artist , Parsons The New School, New York City

Leslie Auguste, Publisher, Paris

Leslie Fritz, Advisor, Fritz Advisory, New York

Leslie Hewitt, Artist, New York City

Libby Rothfeld, artist

Lieselotte Seaton, Sales Director, Sadie Coles HQ, London

LIlly Wei, art critic and independent curator, freelance, New York


Lisa Corinne Davis, Painter/Professor , Hunter College, Brooklyn

Lisa Damour, Playwright, PearlDamour, New Orleans

Lisa Dent, Curator, producer, writer, arts administrator, New York

Lisa Fischman, Museum Director, Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Lisa Holzer, Artist, Berlin

Lisa Ivorian-Jones, Curator and Publisher, Ivorian-Jones Fine Art, Llc , New York

Lisa Naftolin, Creative Director, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

Lisa Oppenheim, Artist, New York

Lisa Panting, co-director/co-owner, Hollybush Gardens, London

Lisa Phillips, Museum Director

Lisa Sigal, Artist, New York City

Lisa Yuskavage, Artist, NYC

Lisette Smits, educator, curator, course director MFA Master of Voice, Amsterdam / Berlin

Liv Wynter, Artist, Education programme at Tate, Activist and Writer., Tate (17/18), London

Liz Munsell, Curator , Boston / New York

Liz Magic Laser, artist

Liz Mulholland, Director/Partner, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York

Lizzie Scott, Artist, Faculty, School of Visual Arts, New York

Lolita Fierro, Development, New York

Lorena Peña Briro, Cultural promoter, Paos gdl, Guadalajara, México

Lori Salmon , Librarian, New York

Lori Salmon, Librarian, The New York Public Library, New York

Loring Randolph, Artistic Director, Frieze, New York

Lotte Juul Petersen, curator, wysing arts centre, cambridge, uk

Louise Eliasof, Member of the Board of Trustees, Art21, New York

Lucia Sanroman, Curator / Director of Visual Arts, Yerba Buena Ceneter for the Arts, San Francisco

lucia zapparoli, Museum educator

Lucie Touya, Director of l’Agence à Paris, Artistic Director of la Colonie, Paris

Lucile Littot, Artist, Paris

Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti, Curator, CLOG, Torino

Lucy Chadwick , Director, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York

Lucy Chadwick, Director, New York

Lucy McKenzie, artist, Brussels

Lucy Winton, artist, self, new york city

Luiza Proença, Curator, educator, Brazil

Luiza Teixeira de Freitas , Curator , Lisbon

Lulu Nunn, Curator, writer, arts engagement officer, London

Lumi Tan, Curator, The Kitchen, New York

Lynn Hershman Leeson, Artist

Lynn Maliszewski, Writer and Editor

Lynn Nottage, Theater Artist, Columbia University, New York City

Lynne Tillman, Writer, Freelance, New York

Léna Monnier, Curator, Paris

Magali Reus, Artist, London

Magalí Arriola, Curator, México City

Magdalena Magiera, Curator

Magnolia de la Garza, Curator, Mexico

Mai-Thu Perret, artist, Geneva

Maika Pollack, Gallerist and Art Historian, Sarah Lawrence College , New York

Maja Demska, gallery assistant

Malena Bach, Director, London

Maliea Croy , Artist , New York City

Manuela Moscoso, Curator, Museo Tamayo, Ciudad de Mexico

Maori Karmael Holmes, Director of Public Engagement, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia

Mara Hoberman, Critic, Paris / New York

Marcela C. Guerrero, Assistant Curator, New York

Marcela Flórido , Artist , New York

Mare Tralla, artist, Independent , London/ Tallinn

Margaret Lee, Artists and Gallery Owner, 47 Canal (gallery), New York

Margaret Clinton, Gallerist, Koenig & Clinton, Brooklyn

Margaret Honda, Artist, Los Angeles

Maria Elena Gonzalez, Visual Artist

Maria Ines Rodriguez, Curator, Bordeaux

Maria Kjær Themsen , Art critic, Curator , Freelance, Copenhagen

Maria Lind, Director of Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm

Mariana Castillo Deball, artist , Berlin and Mexico city

Mariana Munguia Matute, Director , PAC, Mexico City

Marianna Simnett, Artist, London, London

Marianne Ramírez, Executive Director and Chief Curator, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, San Juan

Marie Canet, Art Critic , Paris/Lyon

Marie Catalano, Director, JTT, New York

Marie Darrieussecq , Writer

Marie De gaulejac , Curator in charge of artists residencies , Triangle france & Asterides , Marseille

marie karlberg, artist, home, new york

Marie Kølbæk Iversen, Visual artist

Marie Lorenz, Artist, New York

marie Lusa, designer , studio marie lusa, zurich

Mariechen Danz, artist, Berlin

Marilyn Minter, Artist, Studio, NYC

Marina Alessio, Galerista, Mite Galeria, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Marina Reyes Franco, Independent curator and Co-founder of La Ene , San Juan

Maris Bustamante, artist, feminist artist, Mexico City

Marta Fontolan, Gallerist

Marta Papini, Curator

Marte Danielsen Joelbo, Curator and writer

Martha Kirszenbaum, Curator and Writer, Paris and Los Angeles

Martina Schmuecker, Artist, London

Martine Aballéa, Artist, Paris

Martine Syms, artist, Los Angeles, CA

Marwa Arsanios, Artist, Beirut

Mary Cecilia Mitsch, Gallery director, New York

Mary Ceruti, Executive Director and Chief Curator, SculptureCenter , New York

Mary Ping, Designer, New York

Mary Ramsden, Artist , London

Mary Reid Kelley, Artist

María Elena Ortiz, Curator, Miami

Mathilde Ter Heijne, Artist and art professor, Art School in the University of Kassel, Berlin

Matylda Krzykowski , Curator , Basel/Berlin

Maureen Gallace, Artist, New York

Maurin Dietrich, Curator , KW Institute for Contemporary Art , Berlin

maxime hourani, Artist

May Calil, Consultant, London

Medrie MacPhee, Artist/ professor, Bard College, New York

Megan Dudley, Projects Director, Cecilia Dan Fine Art, Los Angeles

Megan Plunkett, Artist, Los Angeles

Melike Kara, Artist, Cologne

Melissa Hopson, Artist, IUPUI , Indianapolis

Melissa Meyer, Artist, New York City, NYC

Meriem Bennani, Artist , New York , New York

Mia Locks, Curator

Mia Siracusa, Gallery Assistant, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York City

Michele Horrigan, Artist and Curator

Michelle White, Curator, Houston

Mika Yoshitake, Curator, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.

Milano Chow, artist, Los Angeles

Mira Dancy, Artist

Mira Schor, Artist and writer, Parsons The New School , New York

Miranda July, artist, writer, filmmaker, Los Angeles

Miriam Basilio, university professor and former staff member at various museums, New York University, New York

Miriam Katzeff, Non-profit director, New York

MJ Kaufman, Playwright, freelance, New York

Moira Sims, Production Assistant, 47 Canal, New York City

Molly Kleiman, Editor, New York

Monica Rodriguez, artist / curator, Los Angeles, CA / San Juan, PR

Monika Bravo, Artist, Self employed , Brooklyn

Moyra Davey, Artist, New York

Mylène Ferrand, Art worker and writer, Paris

Nadine Nakanishi, Artist, Sonnenzimmer, Chicago

Nancy Baker Cahill, Visual Artist, Los Angeles

Nancy Bowen, Artist & Professor, Purchase College, SUNY, Brooklyn

Nancy Oliveri, Photographer, New York

Nancy Spector, Curator

Naomi Fry, writer

Natalie Bookchin, artist, New York

Natalie DiIenno, Artist, Self, Buffalo

Natalie Dray, Artist, London

Natasa Petresin-Bachelez, Curator, Paris

Neringa Černiauskaitė, Editor, artist

Niamh Conneely, Head of Development & Communications, Studio Voltaire, London

Nicelle Beauchene, Owner / Director, Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, New York

Nicola Stephanie, Artist, New York

Nicole Cherubini , Artist

Nicole Delmes, Gallery owner, Delmes & Zander, Cologne Germany, Cologne

Nicole Russo, Gallery Owner, Chapter NY

Nicole Russo, Gallery Owner, Chapter NY

Nicole Smythe-Johnson, Independent curator and writer , Kingston

Nicole Wermers, Artist, professor of sculpture, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich, London, Munich

Nicoletta Lambertucci, Curator, London

Nikola Dietrich, Curator, Berlin

Nina Katchadourian, artist and professor, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York/Berlin

Noam Segal, Curator, NYC

Nora Abrams, Curator, MCA Denver, Denver

Nora Bates Zale, Artist/Art Educator, Conway, MA

Olga Kisseleva, artiste-researcher, Sorbonne, Paris

Pamela Echeverría, Gallery Owner, LABOR, Mexico City

Pamela Lee, Professor, Stanford University, San Francisco

Pat Lay, artist,

Patricia Cronin, Artist, Patricia Cronin Studio, Brooklyn

Patricia Reed, Artist, Writer

Patricia Treib, Artist, New York

Patrizia Sandretto re Rebaudengo, Foundation President and Collector, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin

Paul Frantz, Collector, Google Inc, New York

Paula Naughton, Director, Simon Preston Gallery, New York

Paulina Ascencio, Curator, Independent, Guadalajara

Pauline Beaudemont, Artist, Paris

Pauline Bertholon, art worker, Paris

Pauline Daly , Gallery Director , Sadie Coles HQ, London

Pauline Daly, Director, Sadie Coles HQ, London

Phillida Reid, Gallery owner, Southard Reid, London

Phoebe Berglund, Choreographer, NYC

Phoebe Roberts, Curator , Artangel, London

Phyllida Barlow, Artist, London

Pia Ehrhardt, writer, self-employed, New Orleans

Pilar Corrias, Gallerist, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London

Polly Staple, Director , Chisenhale Gallery, London

Polly Staple, Director, Chisenhale, London

Pooneh Maghazehe , Artist, educator, interior designer , MICA, LM//PM Productions LLC, Brookyln

Rachel Adams, Curator, UB Art Galleries, Buffalo

Rachel Berks, Business owner, Otherwild, New York NY

Rachel Cook, Curator, DiverseWorks, Houston, TX

Rachel Ichniowski, Digital Projects Manager, e-flux, New York

Rachel Peddersen, Exhibitions Manager, Artists Space, New York

Rachel Pimm, Artist, London

Rachel Rose, artist, NY

Rachel Silveri, Art Historian, Columbia University, New York

Rachel Valinsky, Writer, New York

Rachel Williams, Gallerist/Dealer, Vilma Gold , London

Rallou Panagiotou, Artist

Rebecca Thor, Artist, Stockholm

Rebecca Smith, Artist, Rebecca Smith Studio, New York, N.Y.

Rebecca Uchill, art historian and curator

Regine Basha, Curator, New York

Renate Wagner, Head of Exhibitions , Kunsthalle Basel, Basel

Rhea Anastas, Associate Professor, Art historian, co-founder of Orchard (2005-08), curator, Department of Art, University of California, Irvine, CA

Rheim Alkadhi, artist

Rita Gonzalez , Curator, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , Los Angeles

Robin Cameron, Artist, New York

Rona Pondick, Artist, Artist shown with Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London/Paris/Salzburg, Sonnabend

Gallery, New York, Zevitas/Marcus Los Angeles, New York

Rosa Barba, artist, Berlin

Rosario Güiraldes, Curator , The Drawing Center , New York

Rosario Güiraldes, Curator, Buenos Aires

Rose Lord, Senior Director, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York

Rose Marcus, Artist

Rosemarie Trockel, Artist, Studio, Cologne + Berlin

Rosie Cooper, Curator / Head of Exhibitions, De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea

Rosie Motley, Gallerist, New York

Ruanne Abou-Rahme, Artist, New York

Ruba Katrib, Curator, MoMA PS1, New York

Rujeko Hockley, Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Rózsa Zita Farkas, Gallery Owner, Arcadia Missa, London

Sabrina Gschwandtner , Artist , Studio, Los Angeles

Sadie Coles, Gallery owner, Sadie Coles HQ, London

Sadie Laska, Artist, New york

Sahra Motalebi , Artist and producer , Studio , New York

Sally Wright, Executive Director , Catskill Art Society, Livingston Manor

Sandra Mujinga, Artist, Oslo

Sandra Terjman, Curator and Founder, Council, Paris

Sanja Ivekovic, Artist, Zagreb

Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Artist, New York

Sara Magenheimer, Artist, New York

Sara Roffino, Writer, New York

Sara Stevenson, Program Curator & Residency Program Director, Goethe-Institut New York

Sarah Browne , Artist, Dublin

Sarah Demeuse, Curator, Writer, Editor, New York

Sarah McCrory, Director, Goldsmiths CCA, London

Sarah Resnick, Writer and editor, New York

Sarah Szczesny, Artist

Sarsh Munro, Director , BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art , Gateshead

Sepake Angiama, Head of Education, documenta 14, Kassel

Shannon Stratton, Curator, Arts Administrator, Artist, New York/Chicago/Canada

Sharon Louden, Artist, New York

Shelly Silver, Artist, New York

Shelly Silver, artist, New York

Shirin Neshat, artist, studio, BKLYN

Shirley Irons, Artist, School of Visual Arts, New York

Silas von Morisse, Galleriste Owner, SILAS VON MORISSE Gallery (formerly ART 3), Brooklyn nY

Silke Lindner-Sutti , Gallery Director , Jack Hanley Gallery , New York

Silke Otto-Knapp , Artist

Simone Leigh , Artist, NYC

Simone Subal, Gallery Owner, New York

Sofia Hernández Chong Cuy, Curator

Sonel Breslav, Curator and Publisher, New York

Sonia Almeida, Artist, Boston, MA

Sonja Gandert, PhD student in art history, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY

Sophie Jung, Artist, London

Sophie Mörner , Gallery Owner and Publisher , New York

Sophie Nys, Artist, Brussels

Sophie Orlando, Art Historian, Villa Arson Art college (Nice, France), Paris

Spela Volcic, Indipendent. , Visual artist, Slovenia / Italy (Gorica-Gorizia)

Stefania Bortolami, Gallerist, Bortolami, New York

Stefania Palumbo, Director/owner , Supportico Lopez, Berlin

Steffani Jemison, Artist, Brooklyn

Stella Bottai, Programme Curator, Stanley Picker Gallery, London

Stephanie Syjuco, Artist and Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Sunitha Kumar Emmart, Gallery Owner , GALLERYSKE , Bangalore

Susan Bee, Artist, A.I.R. Gallery, New York City

Susan Klein, Artist/professor , College of Charleston , Charleston

Susan Thompson, Curator, New York

Susanna Greeves, Director, White Cube, London

Susanna Heller, Painter, Professor of Art, SUNY Purchase College, Brooklyn, NY

susanne m. winterling, artist, rehau, berlin

Susanne Zander, Gallerist, Delmes + Zander, Cologne

Suzanne Cotter, Director, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto

Talia Chetrit, Artist, New York

Talia Kwartler, Curatorial Assistant, The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Talia Shulze, Artist, Brooklyn, NY

Tamara Ibarra, Artist - Researcher, YEI. Platform and Archive, Mexico City, MEXICO

Tania Bruguera, Artist, La Habana

Tanja Ostojic, Interdisciplinary artist , Cultural activist, Berlin / Belgrade

Tara Ahmadinejad, Artist, Freelance, Brooklyn

Tauba Auerbach, Artist, New York

Tenaya Izu, Artist, Assistant, NYC

Terike Haapoja, artist, Parsons Fine Arts, New York

Thao Nguyen, Board Secretary, The Mistake Room, Los Angeles

The White Pube, Art critics,, Liverpool, London

Thea Ballard, Editor and writer, New Museum, New York

Theresa Sterner, Artist, Los Angeles

Tina Satter, Theater Artist, Half Straddle, New York City

Tiril Hasselknippe, Artist, Oslo

Tracey Rose, Artist, The Goodman Gallery and Dan Gunn (Berlin), Durban

Trina Gordon, Gallery director, Gladstone Gallery, New York

Trish Harnetiaux, writer , New York

Trisha Baga, artist, New York

Trudy Benson, artist, Brooklyn

Valentina Suma, gallery director, kaufmann repetto, Milan

Valerie Chartrain, curator, berlin

Valerie Werder, Writer, New York

Vanessa Carlos, Gallery Owner, Carlos/Ishikawa, London

Vanessa Desclaux, curator, école nationale supérieure d’art de Dijon, Paris

Vanessa Safavi, Artist, Berlin / Switzerland

Vanina Géré , art historian, critic, associate professsor, ENSA Nancy, France, Paris

Vere van Gool, Curator, New York & Amsterdam

Veronica Levitt, Director, Gallery, New York

Veronica Roberts, Curator, Austin, Texas

Victoria Brooks, Curator, EMPAC, Troy, NY

Victoria Camblin, Editor, curator of public programming

Vivian Ziherl, Curator, Frontier Imaginaries

Wendy Vogel, writer and curator

Whitney Claflin, Artist, New York

Xandra Eden, Executive Director & Chief Curator, DiverseWorks, Houston

Xylor Jane, Artist

Yael Reinharz, Executive Director, Artis, New York

YK Hong, Anti-oppression Trainer and Speaker and Artist

Young Jean Lee, Writer/Director, Brooklyn

Yun Choi, Artist, Seoul

Zadie Xa, Artist, London

Zane Oncklue, Curator, CCS Bard, Tivoli

Zarouhie Abdalian, Artist, New Orleans

Zhoe Granger, Gallerist, London

Zuzanna Hadrys, gallerist, Galeria Stereo, Warsaw

Àngels Miralda, curator, Berlin

Övül Ö. Durmusoglu, Curator, writer and lecturer, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg, Berlin

And additional anonymous signatories in solidarity with this statement whose personal or professional circumstances regretfully still prevent them from signing publicly

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