The Words of Rachael Denhollander
Heroes often come unannounced. No cape. No fanfare. Just presence. And in those instances, it's not the spotlight they seek, it's the...

Cyntoia Brown and the 'Sexual Abuse-To-Prison' Pipeline
Recently Yasmin Vafa, Co-Founder and Director of DC based Rights4Girls sat down with NPR to discuss Cyntoia Brown's story as a case-study...

The ‘School For Justice’ turning Survivors into Agents of Change
A new program in India is helping survivors of child sex trafficking get justice for others like them ― by pursuing careers in the legal...

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Now, therefore, The General Assembly, Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all...

Yasmin Vafa | Rights4Girls
It's that time. Time to get away from the circus and back to the stories of Heroes. They may no longer exist on our airwaves - or in our...

Children of Aleppo and the Important Questions
The children of Aleppo have a few questions for the U.S. presidential candidates, one of whom who will assume responsibility this January...

#TBT - A Shout-Out to TTM
Somewhere. It has to start somewhere. And TenThousandMeans was our beginning. Our introduction - through the words of artist Jihae - to...

This 22-year-old started a fashion line to fight human trafficking.
MEANS is proud to feature the creative determination of Noor Tagouri: Trafficking is, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and...

Unlocking Workplace Daycare in Bangladesh
The majority of the garment industry’s workers are women – up to 80 per cent by some estimates. Yet, in booming factory towns like Dhaka,...

Survivors of Human Trafficking Heal Through Art
MEANS is proud to spotlight this great program & partnership on Chicago’s Northwest Side. The Awakenings Foundation Center and Gallery is...